We are a small church doing big things

Service to Others…

  • The Bridge Homeless Shelter

    Serving Meals

    A warm dinner meal is served to those who are less fortunate and/or homeless most nights of the week.  Started by the Interfaith Caregivers, people from various groups and churches in town volunteer to prepare, cook, serve and cleanup at The Bridge - a place offering housing and steps to overcoming the obstacles of homelessness. 

    First Christian Church volunteers on the first Tuesday of each month in this outreach ministry that feeds about 90 people consistently. Clients and those in need can find a hot shower at The Bridge.  We provide help on each Thursday from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.  with registration, providing towels, soap and other toiletry items.

    The Bridge is located at: 421 S. Palmetto Avenue off S. Woodland Blvd. in DeLand behind The Neighborhood Center.

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  • The Joy Club

    The Joy Club — Providing Activities

    Three Wednesdays of the month, (Week 1, 2 & 4) activities are provided to The Bridge residents from 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. to provide support and hope to the clients.

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  • BINGO Game Nights at FCC DeLand

    BINGO Game Nights

    First Christian Church has been offering BINGO NIGHT on the SECOND and FOURTH FRIDAYS of each month in the FELLOWSHIP HALL.  Cards are 50 cents each.  Some of the proceeds go to the winners, the other part is donated to the chosen outreach organization of the month.  Monies have been donated to all kinds of charities and groups:  The Neighborhood Center, The Bridge Homeless Shelter, Good Samaritan Dental & Health Clinic, Habitat for Humanity, Camp Boggy Creek, Journey’s End Animal Shelter, H.O.P.E (Helpers Of People Enslaved), Heifer International, The Retreat at Silver Springs, Foundations To Freedom, DeLand VFW, AM Vets, DeLand Police Athletic League (PAL), Kairos Outside, Salvation Army, Second Harvest Food Bank and Coastal Choice Women’s Clinic.

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  • Narcotics Anonymous

    Narcotics Anonymous

    We currently provide space for N.A. Area, Policy and Committee Meetings to be held monthly, plus Group Meetings.  We currently have 2 N.A. Groups that meet on Wednesdays.  The Group Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Please call the church office or your local listing for N.A. for more information.

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  • The Villa Rehab and Nursing Home

    The Villa Rehab & Nursing Home

    Residents of one of the local Rehabilitation and Nursing Homes now has a Christian worship service for the residents and staff who are able to attend on-site.  The service at The Villa incorporates a short sermon, singing, praying, music and Communion with individual kits that include a wafer and grape juice. 

    Pastor Pérez leads the group on the second and fourth Thursdays, along with Elders, Deacons and anyone else wanting to provide leadership in this important ministry that provides spiritual help and hope.

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  • Kairos Prison Ministry International

    Kairos OUTSIDE

    Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (Kairos) is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families. The programs involve a structured model that includes the weekend experience, followed by guests or participants gathering regularly for accountability, support, and prayer.  Kairos OUTSIDE is the group for women who have a loved one incarcerated.  The Advisory Council Chair of Kairos OUTSIDE of Central Florida is the leader of the group that will again meet on various Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall beginning August 10th.

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The Bridge kitchen

We also help with various special days in the local community of DeLand like the Mayor’s Backpack Giveaway, Prayer Night Out and other local events. 
If you have a heart for service and outreach,
First Christian Church of DeLand is the place for YOU!